Proportional brake systems are just that ~ braking pressure in your tow vehicle is applied in proportion to the braking pressure applied in the coach. The BrakeMaster and EvenBrake are both proportional brake systems that work slightly differently. The BrakeMaster brake system applies braking pressure in direct proportion to how you are applying braking pressure in your coach ~ you step hard, the tow vehicle brakes are applied hard, if you press lightly then the tow vehicles brakes are pressed lightly. The EvenBrake brake system uses accelerometers to detect deceleration in your tow vehicle and software within the unit determines the amount of braking pressure to be applied.
Progressive brake systems work differently. When you apply braking pressure in your coach, you trigger braking action in your tow vehicle. The system uses the brake pedal to immediately apply the brakes and ramps up the braking pressure based on settings determined by the user. This braking action occurs for a set amount of time. The InvisiBrake is a progressive brake system that is activated when you brake the motorhome ~ the same electrical signal that activates the towed vehicle's brake lights also activates InvisiBrake.
Mounting of Hardware
Brakemaster is easy on your vehicle's interior and requires no permanently mounted brackets or pulleys. A seat adaptor that is custom made to fit the year, make, and model of your vehicle is attached using the existing bolts that hold the driver's seat in place ~ no cutting of carpet or insulation! A lightweight air cylinder is attached to the brake pedal of your tow vehicle and secured using the seat adaptor. The seat adaptor and air cylinder remove easily leaving virtually no visible evidence of its use.
The InvisiBrake is permanently mounted in your vehicle, providing you with 'plug and go' convenience. A small control box is mounted in your tow vehicle, usually under the driver's seat. A pulley and cables are mounted near the brake pedal. Should you decide to change tow vehicles, the major components may be removed and transferred to another vehicle.
The EvenBrake is a self contained unit weighing approximately 20 pounds. No hardware is permanently mounted and the entire unit is easily removed when not towing.
For some people it is important to have a unit that is easy to transfer from vehicle to vehicle. Roadmaster's EvenBrake is an excellent option - connecting and disconnecting in a matter of seconds! The EvenBrake requires the least amount of time for installation allowing for an easy installation if you change tow vehicles.
If you have more than one tow vehicle that you switch between, BrakeMaster has the option to install a second vehicle kit. This allows you to choose from more than one tow car without requiring re-installation of the equipment. A second RV kit is available if you decide to switch RV's after the initial installation.
A second vehicle kit is also available for the InvisiBrake; however, you must choose one tow vehicle. Installing a second vehicle kit for InvisiBrake does not give you the option of having two vehicles set up with supplemental braking ~ it simply allows you to transfer and re-install your brake system in a new tow vehicle.
The Brake Away system is designed to bring your vehicle to a controlled stop in the unlikely event that your vehicle becomes separated from your RV. Emergency brake away systems are required in most states. All of our Brake Systems come with this feature.